Cash and Pledges

The most common gift made to NMU is cash in the form of a check, money order, or credit card charge. Credit card gifts can be made through the NMU Foundation’s secure website, You can also contact us to initiate a recurring or one-time bank transfer. You may also pledge a gift for payment over time.

Planned Giving and Insurance

There are many types of planned gifts and they represent a wonderful way to show your support for NMU while accommodating your own estate planning and philanthropic goals. Planned giving may include naming NMU in your will, designating NMU as a beneficiary of a retirement asset, life insurance, or gift annuities, to name a few.

To learn more about how to make a planned gift, click here for our NMU Foundation Planned Giving information.  

Employer Match

Many companies encourage their employees to make charitable gifts and may match personal donations with an equal or greater contribution. Rules about the type of gifts that companies will match vary. Donors should check with their appropriate human resource department at their company to see if a gift qualifies for a corporate match.


People talking at a table

Equities, Property, and Real Estate

Gifts of these types can vary widely in their tax implications and complexity. Please consult with your financial planner or tax advisor when considering them. We are happy to discuss any of these options with your advisor.


Many donors make gifts in the form of appreciated securities in order to benefit from tax advantages. You can receive an income tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the securities, as well as reduce - or eliminate - capital gains taxes on the transfer to the university. 

Personal Property and Real Estate

Valuable collections, such as works of art, rare books, paintings, or antiques, can be subject to estate taxes. By donating such items during your lifetime, rather than at your death, you may reduce your taxable estate as well as the taxable income in the year of the gift.